Tuesday, February 13, 2018

OT 532 Professionalism Co-facilitation Group Evaluation

     Valerie and I were the facilitators for the group, Pursuing Positivity!  I would give myself a 9/10 on the introduction section.  The time and planning put into the introduction was a 10/10, but the way the day played out effected the efficiency of the intro.  The intro started off a little unfocused, and we had a warm up planned.  Several of our group members had a tough (hectic morning) and reflecting back on the introduction phase of our group session, it would have been a good choice to give the group 5 minutes to each go around and say how they were doing, and why they were good or bad that day.  We opted to begin the group with an ice breaker warm up, which was the feelings m and m game.  Everyone seemed to enjoy it, but were still a bit distracted with their own thoughts (noticeably). 

     I give myself a 8/10 on the main activity, the positivity petals.  I think that the activity was a good idea, but we should have gone around in a circle and asked each person to share what their group members wrote about them.  This would have required each group member to be present in the moment, and to take a moment and be proud of how their peers view them.  Having our group members speak out loud about their flowers could bring a positive spirit/nature to the group, and we did not have them do that.  The best part about this activity was to take a moment as the facilitators and look around at each group member and see them smiling down at their flower and what other people said about them.  The down fall to this activity is that someone could say something hateful, or fail to be able to find something nice to say to another group member in a different clinical setting or environment.  This may be an activity that is best for a cohesive and established group moving forward (as our group is). 

     I give myself and our group a 10/10 on sharing.  As facilitators we were patient and calm, thinking on our toes if the group was not responding to the questions that we asked.  We understood that thinking positively on a Monday may be difficult, and sharing your feelings can take time to become comfortable doing.  Ultimately, I was very impressed at how everyone around the middle of the group session began opening up and sharing their own stories and feelings towards the questions and topic of the day. 

     I give myself a 9/10 on processing.  We went into our group session with 3-4 good questions to help process through each group members feelings and thoughts.  I do not think we could have been anymore prepared with the questions,  I would have liked to have seen a little more depth in the feedback and responses shared, and there is space always to improve so this is why I gave myself a 9/10. 

     I give myself a 10/10 on generalizing.  We took the time to specifically ask our group members which technique or strategy they can use to build self confidence and ultimately use positive thinking daily.  This was a slow start to being answered, but I feel like each group members response was meaningful and authentic and they really thought through either the strategy they do or could use moving forward to deal with negative thoughts. 

     I give myself a 9/10 on group motivation.  Sometimes I struggle with wanting to be too positive or "cheerleader type of motivation", when in all reality I accepted the conditions on Monday.  Like several group members shared, they had experienced a tough morning, and we had picked fieldwork locations not even an hour before the group session was held.  Asking the group members to transition quickly from (what could have been a negative experience for each member depending on if they got the FW they wanted) was asking a lot.  I did try and motivate the group, but I am sure deep down I was thinking about the stresses of the week as well.  I always feel like I can improve on being present for all moments 100 percent. 

     I give myself a 10/10 on limit setting.  I try and always hear each group member, and offer a meaningful response, smile, eye contact, or nod for them to know I am hearing them and they have my undivided attention.  Valerie and I did stay on schedule, and we did not let the conversation veer off topic onto other topic and we kept the group busy, focused, and challenged with questions. 

     I give myself a 9/10 on application.  I think it could have been nice to have a question directly stating for each group member to say one area in their life they can "apply positive thinking" now that I reflect back on the group session.  This would be a client centered question, allowing each of them to answer they way it was most applicable to their lives. 

     I give us a 10/10 on summary.  We summarized what we covered during the session, why it was important, and even gave the group members one last chance at the end to say anything else that was on their mind before we officially wrapped up the session. 

     In conclusion, I know that Professor Sasse already covered this with Valerie and I in person (which I appreciated).  Professor Sasse acknowledged that Monday (especially right after FW selections were picked was a tough time) to have a group session, especially about positive thinking.  I also know that she acknowledged that we had to work extra hard at times during our session to get out group member motivated to engage and talk with us.  I would be false if I said I walked away from our session feeling 100 percent, but I will say I feel like it was a real life situation.  This group session helped me see the reality of what group session will/may be like during my community health rotation, and for this I am grateful.  I am welcome to any feedback on things I can do better, things you directly saw were weaknesses, and strengths of my group leadership style.  The feedback will only help me moving forward to be the best practitioner I can be.  I give myself an overall score of 84/90 points on my leadership evaluation. 


1 comment:

  1. Well Lauren, I think you have really convinced me that you are able to recognize both your strengths and opportunities to improve, but I hope you will always remember to cut yourself some slack! Even an 84/90 is from my perspective, being a bit hard on yourself, after all, sometimes group members bring in "baggage" from influences outside the group, that are seriously just beyond your control. This was a bit the case when you led your group. It was great practice for you to dig deeper into your bag of tricks (asking more questions, providing examples etc.) but ultimately, these aren't qualities or indications of your leadership/ facilitation skills- and those, in my opinion were amazing from what I witnessed- Yes of course, there might be things you'd do differently if you could repeat this scenario post reflection. Nevertheless, for this being sort of a contrived "first try," I was super impressed with how you and Valerie did. Thank you for the thorough Blog. It really gave me more insight to read through your report of self-evaluation.
    You are going to do SO well at your MH FW!
