Saturday, February 24, 2018

OT 532 Post Group Facilitation Reflection #2

I give myself a 9/10 on my introduction.  It was chaotic at 11 am when the facilitation was supposed to begin, and I had came from a 10:30 am meeting directly before the facilitation.  When beginning the group I did not give (in my opinion) a clear introduction of what we would or should cover during the session at hand.  The warm up, time frame, and clear communication went well.

I give myself a 9/10 on the main activity.  I feel like the activity was explained clearly and accomplished the goals I set in the protocol, but I would still like to have a more creative way in the future for the group members to design their physical activity routines (such as a board game or a fun way to motivate them to fill out the routine).  I did ask the group for feedback on the exercise options I provided them, and received great feedback on what to add and possibly take off for future groups I may have.  I feel as if the timing, materials, and environment were appropriate for the given activity.

I give myself a 10/10 on sharing.  I feel like we went even a little over time because the group members seemed comfortable and enjoyed sharing their thoughts, routines, habits and goals with me which made me feel good as a facilitator.  I tried to make good eye contact with each group member when sharing as well as I tried to provide examples of my weaknesses and bad habits in relation to physical activity.

I give myself a 10/10 on processing.  When I asked each group member to fill out the habit worksheet and share what habit or barrier could keep them from engaging in their physical activity routine, each member was able to process through their thoughts and share.

I give myself a 9/10 on generalizing.  I would have liked to have spent a bit more time discussing with each group member one activity that they could do at home (more occupation-context based) to help them generalize that physical activity can be free and be vacuuming and doing laundry that day.  It does not have to always be structured and jogging or doing zumba. Overall though, I know we did discuss in the group that physical activity could be things as simple as walking your dog, or doing some squats at home.  The group members seemed to be catching on to the generalization during this session.

I give myself a 10/10 on group motivation.  I would use the term for Fridays sessions Fri-yay to describe the feeling of my group.  I began with a high energy warm up to hope to provide the group with a positive feeling and morale.  Everyone was excited that it was Friday and to have the weekend ahead of them! They were motivated to not only complete the warm up and main activity but also to engage in discussion pertaining to the activities and their interests.   

Limit setting I give myself a 10/10.  I feel like I stayed on track with timing and allowed each group member more than enough time to share and I tried to not cut anyone off when they were talking.  I as well tried to not let the group stray off topic for more than one minute, directing the attention to the next group member sharing. 

I give myself a 10/10 on application.  I used many examples (including personal) and showed how physical activity can relate to everyday life.

 I give myself a 9/10 on summary because sometime I feel awkward repeating back to my classmates what we covered and why it is important.  Although I know these are not my "peers" but they are group members during my facilitation, it can be tough sometimes to role play with my peers.

Overall I gave myself a 86/90 because there is always room for improvement.  I will give feedback and say designing a group protocol and then facilitating it in a group was intimidating and difficult, but rewarding once it was over.  I really think this is a great class to prepare us as students for our mental health field works and feel more empowered and comfortable looking toward my 3 month mental health rotation.  Thank you both for helping me and my peers through this process, and it all really is starting to make sense! 

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