Wednesday, April 5, 2017

OT 537 session 1B Response

     I want to begin with highlighting the strength Professor Lancaster displayed during not only discussing in class the blog about her father's journey and celebration of life, but also for sharing with us her raw emotions and experiences during this time.  It was an eye opening experience for myself, and I am sure my peers. 

      My father is much like yours, strong & kind & determined, so immediately when reading this blog post I made your story incredibly personal.  Not only did this story increase the gratuity in my own life, but sadly gave me to many examples of poor health care.  It helped me understand why you are so passionate for us to always put the client first, including their family.  I do believe the things you read, experiences you have, and emotions you feel can and will guide our practice as therapists in the future.  I tried to refrain from judging the health care workers while reading the post, but could not seem to refrain as I said above, this story was made very personal quickly for me.  I know I will let clients and their families down, all health care workers have, however I do promise to strive to apply my knowledge from your personal experience moving forward when providing care to all clients.  I have so much sadness in my heart when I think of how stressful the situation already was, and then the health care provided increased the stress of you and your families day. I am not sure how I would have handled those 10 weeks, or honestly how you did. My daddy is my whole world. 

     My fiance is currently applying to nursing school at UTHSC and is a kind and gentle man.  I have emailed him your blog post, and told him to read it and pay attention to the lack of empathy provided by the nurses, including the lack of emotional support they were able to offer.  I am excited for him to see an inside perspective on what and why nursing is so important to all individuals.  So thank you for inspiring him, my self and so many more with your selflessness of sharing this story. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren, Thank you for this beautiful post and for your kind words - and also for passing on the blog to your fiancé. Your goal and your passion for provided client-based care is exactly the outcome I was hoping for, and I see that as a way of carrying forward some of my dad's legacy. Thank you again.
